Day care centres and schools

Are you and your family new to the Erzgebirge and looking for educational provision and childcare for your child/children?

Magnificent scenery, excellent job opportunities and prospects, the ideal environment for families – you’ll find all this in the Erzgebirge.

“Off to the Erzgebirge” – not only does the region offer a wealth of employment opportunities, it’s also a fantastic environment for families. Parents with young children can make the most of their potential thanks to the region’s variety of childcare options. With excellent childcare provision and a wide range of educational facilities, you can lay the foundations for a successful future in the Erzgebirge. Surrounded by nature, children can flourish and maximise their potential.


The Erzgebirge offers excellent, wide-ranging childcare provision. If your child attends kindergarten (Kiga) or a day care centre (Kita), it will make it much easier for them to get to know other children and learn German. It will also make their subsequent transition to school smoother. Most children in Germany attend kindergarten from about the age of three. However, increasing numbers of institutions now offer places for younger children too.

  • A range of childcare provision – crèches, kindergartens, childminders or childcare centres – here in the Erzgebirge, your offspring are in the very best hands.
  • Numerous whole-day options – 6 out of 10 children of preschool age attend a childcare facility for more than 7 hours per day.

All state-run and private childcare facilities in the Erzgebirge district with contact details and capacity figures


In the Erzgebirge district (the Free State of Saxony), it is compulsory for all children under the age of 18 to attend school. Children must attend school from the age of six and receive a general education (primary school, secondary school) before moving to vocational or higher education. Access to state schools is free of charge. However, there are also private schools which usually require parents to pay fees.

  • The Erzgebirge district has a wide array of different educational establishments and many state and private schools.
  • Education and learning in the Erzgebirge - a range of options from primary school to higher education: 89 primary schools, 38 secondary schools, 12 grammar schools, 12 special schools, 43 vocational colleges
  • Schools and regional businesses work closely together in the Erzgebirge - Careers guidance and advice on further and higher education options have been prioritised here for many years

You will find the right school for your child in Saxony’s school database.

Overview of educational establishments in the Erzgebirge district

The State Office for Schools and Education can provide more specific guidance on education. Some schools also offer a preparatory class that includes German as a second language.
Further information - contacts

Financial assistance for families

Do you need to apply for parental allowance or child benefit in the Erzgebirge district? Do you have questions about supplementary child allowance? You’ll find information, regional contacts and application forms at

Got any questions? Please get in touch.

We help you to find childcare and schools in the Erzgebirge. We can provide information and facilitate contact with agencies, school authorities and childcare facilities.

Your contact

Kristin Kocksch

Telephone: +49 3733 145 109

Nora Bräuer

Telephone: +49 3733 145 165

Kathrin Stellmacher

Telephone: +49 3733 145 161

Sara Unger

Telephone: +49 3733 145 162

Theresia Wanke

Telephone: +49 3733 145 160


Many childcare facilities and schools are run locally.
Contacts for local authorities in the Erzgebirge district.

Contacts for schools
in the Erzgebirge district

Landratsamt Erzgebirgskreis
Abteilung 1 Zentrale Angelegenheiten und Bildung
Referat Schulen und Sport
Paulus-Jenisius-Strasse 24
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany

Head of Unit Mr Roland May
Phone: +49 (0)3733 831-2257
Fax: +49 (0)3733 831-2269

Landesamt für Schule und Bildung
Standort Chemnitz

Address for correspondence:
Postfach 1334
09072 Chemnitz, Germany

Located at:                                              
Annaberger Strasse 119
09120 Chemnitz, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)371 5366-0
Fax: +49 (0)371 5366-491

Contact for child benefit /
supplementary child allowance
(Kindergeld / Kinderzuschlag)

Familienkasse Sachsen (Chemnitz)

Address for correspondence:
Familienkasse Sachsen
09092 Chemnitz, Germany

Address for visitors:
Heinrich-Lorenz-Strasse 20
09120 Chemnitz, Germany
Service centre phone number:
0800 4 5555 30
(free, Mon-Fri 8.00 am - 6 pm)
Fax: +49 (0)371 5671870
Opening hours: Mon, Thu, Fri 8.00 am - 12.00 pm and Tue 8.00 am - 6 pm

Contact for
parental allowance (Elterngeld)

Landratsamt Erzgebirgskreis
Referat Jugendhilfe
Sachgebiet Wirtschaftliche Jugendhilfe

Address for correspondence:
Paulus-Jenisius-Strasse 24
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany

Address for visitors:
Uhlmannstrasse 1-3
09366 Stollberg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)37296 591-2030
Fax: +49 (0)37296 591-2019
Opening hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 8.00 am - 12.00 pm and Tue, Thu 8.00 am - 6 pm