Are you looking for new employees for your company? We will show you various possible ways to find suitable employees:
Searching for and finding employees in Germany Search and find employees abroad
Search and find employees in Germany
To find employees in Germany, you are welcome to use the following options:
Job exchanges
Ore Mountains skilled labor portal
For you as an entrepreneur, the skilled labor portal Erzgebirge is a cost-effective and uncomplicated way to find well-trained employees. Interested parties can apply directly online for your advertised position. Premium customers in the Ore Mountains also benefit from a large talent pool. By the way: You will also find links to other regional job portals there.
Specialist portal Erzgebirge
Federal Employment Agency
The Employer Service of the Federal Employment Agency supports you in your search for new employees. Register your vacancies online and search specifically for applicants. You can find an overview of the services offered by the Federal Employment Agency at
Your personal contact at the Employer Service will also be happy to help you.
Offers from the Erzgebirge Economic Development Agency
Wirtschaftsförderung Erzgebirge GmbH offers a wide range of offers and services for the regional economy for the acquisition of skilled workers: from potential trainees to expert returnees - there is something for everyone here. Ausbildungsmesse ErzgebirgeStudienmesse Erzgebirge Woche der offenen Unternehmen Spätschicht ErzgebirgeKARRIERE+JOB Messe Erzgebirge
Career services and fairs at Saxon universities
Career Services are the interface between universities and companies. Take the opportunity to present your company in various formats with the aim of recruiting personnel at universities. Job advertisements, company presentations in virtual space or excursions as well as the presence at trade fairs increase the visibility of your company.
You can obtain specific information from Career Services at
- WHZ West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau
- University of Technology Chemnitz
- University of Applied Sciences Mittweida
- University of Mining and Technology Freiberg
- University of Applied Sciences for Technology, Economics and Culture Leipzig
- University of Leipzig
- University of Technology Dresden
- University of Applied Sciences Dresden
- University of Applied Sciences Zittau / Görlitz
Recruitment agencies
Support from temporary employment agencies or recruitment agencies can be helpful for filling vacancies at short notice. Service providers in these areas usually have a large pool of employees and can serve various professional groups with a wide range of requirements.
Temporary work:
- for short-term bottlenecks, e.g. to cushion seasonal shortages or staff absences due to illness
- employees are employed by the temporary employment agency and are loaned to companies for a specific period of time
- a temporary employment contract serves as the basis for cooperation between the company and the temporary employment agency
Personnel placement:
- for long-term filling of vacancies
- employees are placed with the company looking for them and employed directly there
- a recruitment contract is concluded between the client and the recruitment agency
- the recruitment agency receives a commission and in return takes over the entire personnel selection process
Migration advice centers
Labor Market Mentors Saxony
Would you like to train or employ refugees or other people with a migration background?
One option is the Saxony Labor Market Mentors program. The aim of the program is to tap into the potential of refugees for the Saxon labour market and to integrate people professionally throughout Saxony in the long term. The program involves mentors supporting the mentees on their path to vocational training or employment subject to social insurance contributions that corresponds to their qualifications. In addition, the labor market mentors support (potential) employers on the following points
- Questions regarding the employment of refugees and other people with a migration background
- Search for and utilization of suitable support offers
- Administrative procedures
- Integration into company processes beyond the start of employment or training.
The project page of the Zentrum für Fachkräftesicherung und Gute Arbeit Sachsen (ZEFAS) provides information on all project sponsors and contacts for the Erzgebirgskreis.
Migration counseling for adults and youth migration service
Migration advice centers (MBE) advise adult immigrants who are older than 27 and have the prospect of permanent residence. They provide advice to promote integration and in crises. Young immigrants under the age of 27 are looked after by youth migration services (JMD).
The migration advice centers in Saxony are listed on the website of the Saxon Commissioner for Foreigners.
Searching for and finding employees abroad
If you want to extend your search for suitable employees and specialists beyond national borders, there are various options:
- Place job advertisements abroad
- Hire a recruiter to conduct a needs-based personnel search
- Use government recruitment programs
- Unsolicited applications from internationals
Various social media channels also offer good opportunities for recruiting staff abroad.
Some countries have significant potential for skilled workers to migrate to Germany in the coming years. When looking for foreign skilled workers, it is therefore worth taking a look at these countries. The bq portal provides detailed country profiles on the focus countries with high potential for recruiting skilled workers. The profiles contain information on the economy and society in the countries, on the most important features of the vocational training systems and on current immigration to and integration in Germany. The profiles are constantly being expanded to include further countries.
Job advertisements abroad
Your portal
EURES (European Employment Service) is an EU network that promotes the exchange of workers in Europe. Over 1,000 EURES advisors are available to employers and employees throughout Europe.
The Federal Employment Agency represents Germany in this network. It can therefore provide targeted advice and support to companies seeking skilled workers from other European countries.
As an employer, you can benefit from EURES:
- Search the EURES European job and information portal for suitable applicants
- Place a free online job advertisement on the EURES job portal
- Get advice from EURES experts on site
In the Ore Mountains, EURES Adviser Michael Schroeter will advise you specifically on how you can recruit workers from neighboring countries (so-called cross-border commuters):
Michael Schroeter - Employment Agency Annaberg-Buchholz
+49 3733 133-6168
The EURES advisor also provides information in Czech employment offices about living and working conditions and job searches in Germany and organizes information events at vocational schools in the Czech Republic.
Eures (EURopean employment Service)
EURES is the largest network for promoting job mobility within the EU. The Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) funding program is part of the EURES strategy. The aim of EURES is to promote fair and sustainable job mobility across borders in Europe and to remove existing barriers. TMS for small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany offers support for the sustainable integration of new employees. The program includes, in particular, support and assistance with settling in Germany and the development of language skills.
Make it in Germany is the Federal Government's multilingual portal for skilled workers from abroad. It informs people interested in immigration how they can successfully organize their path to Germany - from the preparations in their country of origin to their arrival and first steps in Germany.
Make it in Germany is also a partner for companies: Employers in Germany can find out about the opportunities for recruiting and integrating international skilled workers. In practical examples, companies also report on their experiences and encourage others to follow suit.
Vacancies can be placed in the "Make it in Germany" job exchange. There are two options:
- Register your vacancy with your local employer service of the Federal Employment Agency and indicate that your job advertisement should also be published on the platform.
- Register your job offer online with the Federal Employment Agency yourself and agree to publication on "Make it in Germany". To do this, you will find the option "Publications with cooperation partners" in the "Publication" tab, where you can select "Make it in Germany".
Ideally, you should formulate your job offer in English.
Please note: The job exchange contains jobs that require a professional qualification. This is usually a university degree or vocational training. Unqualified jobs such as helper jobs or seasonal workers are excluded. Temporary work is also excluded.
Make-it-in-Germany for employers
Make it in Germany" also presents current top applicants with short profiles who are looking for a job in Germany. The international skilled workers are supported by the Federal Employment Agency or various recruitment projects. The skilled workers listed there have qualifications for professions in which there is a shortage of skilled workers in Germany. For example, from the mathematical-technical and engineering fields or the various healthcare professions.
Applicant profiles of international skilled workers
Recruitment abroad via recruitment agencies
Recruiting international workers and specialists is an important factor in securing a company's skilled workforce. One possible way to do this is to work with recruitment service providers who have the relevant expertise in recruiting international workers and specialists.
Our NAFKA-platform contains a database in which recruiters can be listed with their range of services. As an entrepreneur in the Ore Mountains, you can use a form to register your recruitment requirements and receive an individual overview of suitable recruiters by e-mail. This saves you a lot of time because you don't have to do your own time-consuming internet research. Detailed information on the service providers will help you to select a suitable business partner.
You can customize the matching criteria in the form so that the matching is tailored to your needs. By selecting mandatory and optional criteria, you can also specify how important the individual criteria are to you.
State recruitment programs and other recruitment projects
Within the network of the Federal Employment Agency, the International Placement Services (ZAV) is primarily responsible for the immigration of skilled workers from abroad and for the placement of specific occupational groups.
The services offered by the ZAV are tailored to the specific needs of certain professions, sectors and countries.
The ZAV is present at 18 locations in Germany and addresses employees in Europe and on almost all other continents. It works with many high-ranking domestic and international cooperation partners and labor market services - for example the German Federal Government, the EURES network, the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Goethe Institute, the United Nations as well as partner administrations and ministries abroad.
Some examplesof ZAV programs or projects:
- The Triple Win program has been dedicated to the sustainable recruitment of nursing professionals from third countries for the German health and care sector since 2013.
- THAMM Plus is a project that supports the fair and sustainable recruitment of trainees and skilled workers from Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
- The "Hand in Hand for International Talents" project currently focuses primarily on foreign skilled workers with vocational training in electrical engineering and IT professions. Regional chambers of industry and commerce in Germany and a network of foreign chambers of commerce in countries such as Brazil, India and Vietnam support companies in this project together with the employer service of the employment agencies. The IHK Chemnitz is currently focusing on the field of electrical engineering in this project and would like to add industrial metalworking professions in the future.
Further information can be obtained directly from the ZAV. The state recruitment programs are also stored in our NAFKA-platform and will be sent to you on request according to your requirements.
Financial support
A new grant from the SAB Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank offers financial support for the recruitment and sustainable integration of internationals by SMEs from 01.07.2024 (consulting support - internationals).
In order to cover the entrepreneurial demand for skilled workers in the Free State of Saxony, the additional expenses for the recruitment and sustainable integration of trainees, dual students as well as workers and skilled workers from third countries will be funded. Applications are possible if the respective training or employment relationship was agreed after the directive came into force on 1 July 2024 and the funding requirements are met. Up to three employment relationships and up to three dual training relationships (dual training or dual studies) will be funded once.
Applications must be submitted via the SAB funding portal.
Unsolicited applications from internationals
International applications are different - not all CVs are the same. Country-specific characteristics vary considerably in some cases and application documents in an international context differ greatly from German norms and standards.
An application photo is generally undesirable in some countries. Information on age, gender, marital status or religion is also often completely taboo in order to prevent discrimination. In many countries, more value is placed on the applicant's experience.
There are also major differences from country to country as to whether certificates are expected or whether a list of references and letters of recommendation are important instead.
With background knowledge of the respective standards in other countries, you will be able to better assess international applications in future.